Dr. Shindoh is Director and Chair of Hepatobiliary-pancreatic Surgery Division at Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo, JAPAN. He received his medical degree at the University of Tokyo in 2004 and completed surgical residency and clinical fellowship at the University of Tokyo Hospital. Dr. Shindoh engaged in many clinical researches as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center (2011-2012) and later as an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Tokyo (2013-2014). He moved to Toranomon Hospital in 2014 and currently serves as a Surgeon-in-chief of hepatobiliary surgery service with an expertise of both advanced and minimally invasive hepatobiliary surgeries.

Dr. Shindoh’s research interests include hepatobiliary malignancies, minimally invasive surgery, and clinical anatomy. He received PhD degree from the University of Tokyo for his contribution to clinical anatomy of the liver in 2012. He has published more than 220 papers and book chapters, and has been invited as a faculty by many domestic/international academic meetings.

Dr. Shindoh performs approximately 250 HPB surgeries per year, including 150-170 liver resections. His personal experience with liver surgery exceeds 1,600 cases and approximately 35% of these cases were categorized as “advanced” hepatobiliary surgeries. He is a well known aggressive surgeon for advanced cancers, achieving quite low mortality rate (death from liver failure, 0.06%; in-hospital mortality, 0.24%) and favorable survival outcomes.

He accepts many patients across JAPAN and he also treats patients from overseas, including China, Taiwan, and the US. Toranomon Hospital is one of the Japanese high-volume HPB centers located in center of Tokyo and his department performs leading number of hepatectomies in JAPAN.